You have what it takes to do new things. I know because I did.

One of the biggest lessons I've learned as a woman over 40 trying to pivot into something new is: Nobody does it alone.

If you're not sure about what comes next for you, my advice is to ask!

That's a key part of my Pivot and Propel Masterclass where I teach you all about how to get yourself in position for a successful pivot (including the right questions to ask)!

Are you ready to finally put yourself first and get the life you want? I'm here to help.

Does this sound like you?

  • You're a woman in midlife: those who consider themselves members of genx and fall between the ages of 40-65
  • You're determined to make the next phase of your life the best phase of your life
  • You have a personal growth mindset
  • You have a desire to put yourself first and a willingness to explore new opportunities, both personally and professionally
  • You appreciate the value of connection and community and want to surround yourself with women who are on a similar journey
  • You want to improve your financial, spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing

Welcome!!! I'm so glad you're here!

In this class, I'm sharing everything I've learned about midlife pivots ... what they are, why it might be time for you to make one and how to do it successfully.

I didn't have anyone to teach me, but you do. I'm giving you best practices based on my own lived experiences, what worked for me and what didn't.

I'm pulling back the curtains because you deserve to get the life you want. We all do.

Let's do something new ... together.

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